DIY Apple Cider Vinegar and Rosewater Toner Recipe

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One of my very first homemade beauty recipes was a toner made with apple cider vinegar and water. It helped with my adult acne… but I went to bed each night smelling like vinegar. After some research, I subbed the water for rosewater. Not only was it a dynamite formula, I no longer smelled like salad dressing. Check out the recipe and why these ingredients are powerhouses for your complexion below.

The Recipe:

-1 Part* Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

-4 Parts* Rosewater

*Parts depend on your container size. I recommend starting small, think a 2-4oz. bottle or jar.

You can measure your container into parts and pour, or you can treat your parts as measurements: for example 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar + 4 Tbsp. Rosewater

Apply with a cotton ball for best results.

Sensitive Variation:

-1 Part Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

-1 Part Purified Water

-3 Parts Rosewater


-1 Part Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

-4 Parts Rosewater

++For very dry or sensitive complexions, use a 1 to 5 part ratio ACV to Rosewater; lessening the ACV ratio makes it less astringent, therefore less drying


I exclusively recommend Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar


Heritage Store’s Pure Rosewater (be sure it’s not their rosewater and glycerin - also great, just not for this recipe)

And if DIY isn’t your thing, check out Heritage Store’s Rosewater Vinegar instead.


Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin

In addition to being consumed, apple cider vinegar is incredibly beneficial to the complexion when applied topically. Its claim to fame is balancing skin’s pH, calming redness and soothing inflamed cells. Apple Cider Vinegar ‘with the mother’ boasts alpha hydroxy acid (AHAs) alongside acetic acid, heralding a mild astringency that gently exfoliates while it clearing pores and balancing sebum production.

Why Rosewater is Good for Skin

Rosewater is a complexion’s dream, an inflammation-reducing, ultra-soothing skin healer. It calms redness and is quite discerning between good and bad bacteria. Rosewater hydrates while gently cleansing pores, and balances skin’s sebum production without stripping away too much. Gently firming and potently nourishing, rosewater contains antioxidants that keep free-radical damage to cells at bay. The result? Skin that feels supple with significant reduction in the appearance of fine lines.

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